
List available drops

Death Angel2
Elven Axe Battle Axe Nikea Axe Small Axe
Hand Axe Double Axe Flail Great Hammer
Mace Morning Star Battle Bow Light Crossbow
Tiger Bow Short Bow Crossbow Bow
Golden Crossbow Falchion Serpent Sword Sword of Salamander
Blade Light Saber Short Sword Kris
Sword of Assassin Rapier Prickle Lance Spear
Giant Trident Berdysh Lapid Lance Double Poleaxe
Serpent Staff Mystery Stick Skull Staff Plate Shield
Spiked Shield Dragon Slayer Shield Tower Shield Alacran Shield
Skull Shield Small Shield Buckler Horn Shield
Kite Shield Lapid Shield Robust Armor Bone Armor
Scale Armor Violent Wind Armor Wind Armor Sphinx Armor
Brass Armor Pad Armor Leather Armor Vine Armor
Robust Pants Scale Pants Violent Wind Pants Wind Pants
Sphinx Pants Brass Pants Pad Pants Leather Pants
Vine Pants Scale Helm Violent Wind Helm Wind Helm
Sphinx Mask Brass Helm Spirit Helm Pad Helm
Leather Helm Vine Helm Scale Gloves Violent Wind Gloves
Wind Gloves Sphinx Gloves Brass Gloves Spirit Gloves
Gru Hill Gloves Silk Gloves Pad Gloves Leather Gloves
Vine Gloves Robust Gloves Bronze Gloves Scale Boots
Violent Wind Boots Wind Boots Sphinx Boots Brass Boots
Spirit Boots Silk Boots Pad Boots Leather Boots
Vine Boots Bronze Boots Ring of Fire Pendant of Ice
Ring of Earth Scroll of Inferno Berserker Parchment Lightning Shock Parchment
Chain Drive Parchment Dragon Roar Parchment Ignore Defense Parchment Dark Side Parchment
Dragon Slasher Parchment Burst Act Darkness Parchment Orb of Greater Fortitude
Orb of Penetration Orb of Death Stab Orb of Anger Blow Scroll of FireBurst
Bat Flock Bead Large Healing Potion Large Mana Potion Complex Potion
Elven Axe Battle Axe Nikea Axe Small Axe
Hand Axe Double Axe Tomahawk Great Hammer
Mace Morning Star Battle Bow Light Crossbow
Tiger Bow Short Bow Crossbow Bow
Golden Crossbow Elven Bow Serpent Sword Sword of Salamander
Blade Light Saber Legendary Sword Short Sword
Kris Sword of Assassin Katana Rapier
Giant Trident Berdysh Light Spear Double Poleaxe
Halberd Dragon Lance Lapid Lance Serpent Staff
Thunder Staff Mystery Stick Violent Wind Stick Skull Staff
Angelic Staff Spiked Shield Dragon Slayer Shield Tower Shield
Alacran Shield Small Shield Buckler Horn Shield
Kite Shield Lapid Shield Skull Shield Large Round Shield
Robust Armor Scale Armor Violent Wind Armor Wind Armor
Sphinx Armor Brass Armor Spirit Armor Pad Armor
Leather Armor Vine Armor Bronze Armor Scale Helm
Violent Wind Helm Wind Helm Sphinx Mask Brass Helm
Spirit Helm Pad Helm Leather Helm Vine Helm
Bone Helm Silk Helm Bronze Helm Violent Wind Pants
Wind Pants Sphinx Pants Brass Pants Spirit Pants
Pad Pants Leather Pants Vine Pants Bronze Pants
Silk Pants Violent Wind Boots Wind Boots Sphinx Boots
Brass Boots Spirit Boots Gru Hill Boots Plate Boots
Pad Boots Leather Boots Vine Boots Robust Boots
Bronze Boots Bone Boots Silk Boots Wind Gloves
Sphinx Gloves Brass Gloves Spirit Gloves Gru Hill Gloves
Plate Gloves Light Plate Gloves Legendary Gloves Red Wing Gloves
Pad Gloves Leather Gloves Vine Gloves Robust Gloves
Bronze Gloves Bone Gloves Silk Gloves Ring of Fire
Pendant of Ice Ring of Earth Pendant of Wind Ring of Wind
Scroll of Inferno Berserker Parchment Lightning Shock Parchment Chain Drive Parchment
Dragon Roar Parchment Ignore Defense Parchment Dark Side Parchment Dragon Slasher Parchment
Burst Act Darkness Parchment Orb of Greater Fortitude Orb of Penetration
Orb of Death Stab Orb of Anger Blow Scroll of FireBurst Bat Flock Bead
Large Healing Potion Large Mana Potion Complex Potion
Death Centurion2
Battle Axe Nikea Axe Larkan Axe Double Axe
Tomahawk Great Hammer Mace Morning Star
Flail Light Crossbow Tiger Bow Serpent Crossbow
Bow Golden Crossbow Elven Bow Arquebus
Serpent Sword Sword of Salamander Blade Light Saber
Legendary Sword Double Blade Kris Sword of Assassin
Katana Gladius Rapier Berdysh
Light Spear Serpent Spear Double Poleaxe Halberd
Spear Dragon Lance Lapid Lance Prickle Lance
Serpent Staff Thunder Staff Violent Wind Stick Skull Staff
Angelic Staff Spiked Shield Dragon Slayer Shield Tower Shield
Serpent Shield Alacran Shield Legendary Shield Buckler
Horn Shield Kite Shield Lapid Shield Skull Shield
Large Round Shield Elven Shield Robust Armor Violent Wind Armor
Wind Armor Sphinx Armor Brass Armor Spirit Armor
Plate Armor Pad Armor Leather Armor Vine Armor
Bone Armor Silk Armor Bronze Armor Violent Wind Pants
Wind Pants Sphinx Pants Brass Pants Spirit Pants
Plate Pants Pad Pants Leather Pants Vine Pants
Bronze Pants Bone Pants Silk Pants Sphinx Mask
Brass Helm Spirit Helm Plate Helm Light Plate Mask
Pad Helm Leather Helm Vine Helm Robust Helmet
Bone Helm Silk Helm Bronze Helm Sphinx Boots
Brass Boots Spirit Boots Gru Hill Boots Plate Boots
Light Plate Boots Legendary Boots Red Wing Boots Leather Boots
Vine Boots Robust Boots Bronze Boots Bone Boots
Silk Boots Scale Boots Brass Gloves Spirit Gloves
Gru Hill Gloves Plate Gloves Light Plate Gloves Legendary Gloves
Red Wing Gloves Robust Gloves Bronze Gloves Bone Gloves
Silk Gloves Scale Gloves Ring of Fire Pendant of Ice
Ring of Earth Pendant of Wind Ring of Wind Pendant of Water
Ring of Magic Scroll of Inferno Berserker Parchment Lightning Shock Parchment
Chain Drive Parchment Dragon Roar Parchment Ignore Defense Parchment Dark Side Parchment
Dragon Slasher Parchment Burst Act Darkness Parchment Orb of Greater Fortitude
Orb of Penetration Orb of Death Stab Orb of Anger Blow Scroll of FireBurst
Bat Flock Bead Large Healing Potion Large Mana Potion Complex Potion
Larkan Axe Double Axe Tomahawk Elven Axe
Great Hammer Morning Star Flail Blade
Light Saber Legendary Sword Double Blade Giant Sword
Sacred Glove Sword of Assassin Katana Gladius
Falchion Tiger Bow Serpent Crossbow Golden Crossbow
Elven Bow Arquebus Battle Bow Berdysh
Light Spear Serpent Spear Double Poleaxe Halberd
Spear Dragon Lance Lapid Lance Prickle Lance
Thunder Staff Gorgon Staff Violent Wind Stick Book of Shamut
Angelic Staff Mystery Stick Dragon Slayer Shield Tower Shield
Alacran Shield Serpent Shield Legendary Shield Kite Shield
Lapid Shield Skull Shield Large Round Shield Elven Shield
Plate Shield Sphinx Armor Brass Armor Spirit Armor
Plate Armor Pad Armor Leather Armor Vine Armor
Bone Armor Silk Armor Bronze Armor Scale Armor
Brass Helm Spirit Helm Gru hill Helmet Plate Helm
Light Plate Mask Legendary Helm Red Wing Helm Guardian Helm
Robust Helmet Bone Helm Silk Helm Bronze Helm
Scale Helm Violent Wind Helm Wind Helm Brass Pants
Spirit Pants Plate Pants Light Plate Pants Legendary Pants
Red Wing Pants Robust Pants Bronze Pants Bone Pants
Silk Pants Scale Pants Spirit Gloves Gru Hill Gloves
Plate Gloves Light Plate Gloves Legendary Gloves Red Wing Gloves
Guardian Gloves Dragon Gloves Robust Gloves Bronze Gloves
Bone Gloves Silk Gloves Scale Gloves Violent Wind Gloves
Wind Gloves Sphinx Gloves Spirit Boots Gru Hill Boots
Plate Boots Light Plate Boots Legendary Boots Red Wing Boots
Guardian Boots Sacred Fire Boots Robust Boots Bronze Boots
Bone Boots Silk Boots Scale Boots Violent Wind Boots
Wind Boots Ring of Earth Pendant of Wind Ring of Wind
Pendant of Water Ring of Magic Pendant of Ability Scroll of Inferno
Berserker Parchment Lightning Shock Parchment Chain Drive Parchment Dragon Roar Parchment
Ignore Defense Parchment Dark Side Parchment Dragon Slasher Parchment Burst Act
Darkness Parchment Orb of Greater Fortitude Orb of Penetration Orb of Death Stab
Orb of Anger Blow Scroll of FireBurst Bat Flock Bead Complex Potion
Illusion of Kundun2
Crescent Axe Elven Axe Battle Axe Nikea Axe
Serpent Crossbow Silver Bow Battle Bow Light Crossbow
Tiger Bow Double Blade Giant Sword Sacred Glove
Heliacal Sword Lighting Sword Falchion Serpent Sword
Sword of Salamander Blade Light Saber Great Scythe
Bill of Balrog Conmocion Lance Spear Giant Trident
Berdysh Prickle Lance Gorgon Staff Legendary Staff
Red Wing Stick Book of Shamut Book of Neil Book of Lagle
Serpent Staff Mystery Stick Battle Scepter Flail
Great Hammer Legendary Shield Bronze Shield Dragon Shield
Plate Shield Spiked Shield Dragon Slayer Shield Tower Shield
Alacran Shield Gru hill Helmet Legendary Helm Red Wing Helm
Guardian Helm Sacred Fire Helm Dragon Helm Scale Helm
Violent Wind Helm Wind Helm Sphinx Mask Brass Helm
Spirit Helm Gru Hill Armor Plate Armor Light Plate Armor
Legendary Armor Red Wing Armor Guardian Armor Dragon Armor
Robust Armor Bone Armor Scale Armor Violent Wind Armor
Wind Armor Sphinx Armor Brass Armor Gru Hill Pants
Light Plate Pants Legendary Pants Red Wing Pants Guardian Pants
Sacred Fire Pants Dragon Pants Robust Pants Scale Pants
Violent Wind Pants Wind Pants Sphinx Pants Brass Pants
Guardian Gloves Dragon Gloves Adamantine Gloves Princie Gloves
Ashcrow Gloves Eclipse Gloves Iris Gloves Ancient Gloves
Scale Gloves Violent Wind Gloves Wind Gloves Sphinx Gloves
Brass Gloves Spirit Gloves Gru Hill Gloves Guardian Boots
Sacred Fire Boots Dragon Boots Adamantine Boots Princie Boots
Ancient Boots Storm Jahad Boots Scale Boots Violent Wind Boots
Wind Boots Sphinx Boots Brass Boots Spirit Boots
Ring of Magic Pendant of Ability Scroll of Inferno Berserker Parchment
Lightning Shock Parchment Chain Drive Parchment Dragon Roar Parchment Ignore Defense Parchment
Dark Side Parchment Dragon Slasher Parchment Burst Act Darkness Parchment
Orb of Greater Fortitude Orb of Penetration Orb of Death Stab Orb of Anger Blow
Scroll of FireBurst Bat Flock Bead Large Complex Potion